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I loved this game so much! The graphics and overall aesthetic are so nice, the storyline is great, and there were some good jokes and memes throughout. I genuinely enjoyed it so much and highly recommend it to anyone (and am crossing my fingers for a sequel)  :)


Please Make A Part 2 Would Love To Play


It is in production (as stated in interviews and on Brianna's twitter) and while it's release date is supposed to be in summer 2019, it appears to still be tentative. 


This game is honestly the best game I've played here on itch. The amazing art and the characters, the plot is just great.  100% recommended. Thank you wholeheartedly to everyone involved making this game, you guys have surely put together a masterpiece. 


Super cute game!!! loved it sooo much!! highly recommend!!


also i want Min to be my cute short gf! why arent their any cuties at my school like her :(((

I feel you!


this game gave me a reason to live, thanks.


hi! just wanted to say this is the absolutely the best game of All time, 11/10 would play again. everything was so beautiful,, the art, music, writing, characters, e v e r y t h i n g warmed my big lesbian heart. i love everyone who made this and i would also kill anyone over u too


a g r e e d


Such a wholesome time, big 10/10 all around.


ok so.... i made an account just to comment ! this game is so incredible that im going back to redownload it just so i can donate! thank you so much to everyone behind this for giving me the first well-made, heartwrenching, adorable, and hilarious lesbian (and nb) representation i've ever had! 


uh this game is so amazing I don't think i can put it into words. I legit was brought to tears at least 5 times while playing the game, it was so funny, and the characters are all so amazing. The representation is so amazing, and at the end, the message is so amazing too. If i could erase my memory to be able to play this game for the first time again i most definitely would. Thanks game devs, ya'll made my day a million times better.


Hey, I loved this game, thank you for it... I relate so much with all the girls that it hurts my soul...  

Also I loved the reference of Pom Gets Wi-fi.
Also-also; is Min nonbinary??? If yes, it just makes me love and relate to her more!!!


yes, she is! such is displayed on brianna lei's tumblr faq


the cutest shit ive ever read


This game is the cutest ever! I absolutely loved the plot and its beautifully made! 


This was one of the most delightful gaming experiences I have ever had. I giggled a lot ^^ Thank you so much for creating this! <3





(1 edit) (+2)

I love this game SO MUCH. It's the most funny, ridiculously stupid and great game I've ever played. Like EVER. Thank you for making this a thing because I find this amazing.

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh and the representation! I would love to have a sequel! I really want to see what will happen to Noelle and Akarsha! I love these two! 




WTF I wasn't expecting to be laughing like a whale !!!!! THIS GAME i swear...  Loved it


Is it weird when a straight white boy plays this game and really loves it? 


Your playthrough of the game is hilarious. You tend to go off on tangents tho. 


Thank you kindly! I tend to tell a lot of stories during the streams regardless of the game being played. Took even this relatively short game several days of streaming to get through for that reason. I think everyone watching still got the full experience though and some new people were introduced to this amazing game. 

Deleted 5 years ago

I love this game so much. My only complaint is that it's not long enough.


The storyline is pretty bland. I was expecting a bit less conversation about sexuality. You don't really see in "straight stories" straight people going "OMG! I'm so straight. Let me talk about being straight. I like this because I'm straight. Heterosexuality goals!!"


let me know when and where people get tortured and murdered for being straight and therefore talking about being straight after a life of discrimination in that alternate scenario where it's actively silenced is an act of rebellion. cause let me tell ya if people actively tried to destroy a part of you and suddenly you were finally able to find a place where it might be okay to be yourself, and you were surrounded by people just like you, you'd make up for all that time you spent hiding yourself.

to be fair straight people talk about being straight all the time anyways, pretty sure that's 90% of straight romance novels


Funny how you automatically assume I'm straight for preferring less homosexuality talk in the story. You think equality is ignorance and it shows. 💀


hell yes fellow supporter of equality! lets band together! time to put more gay talk in to make up for all that straight shit i had to see as a kid


I'm glad the story was very outward in regards to sexuality.  I don't see many stories like this.  I'm sure there's quite a few out there, but compared to everything else, there's not enough in my opinion.


I respect that.


Gay for Min 10/10 would play again


Best game ever and that's a fact!!! <3 My heart can't take how cute this game is. <3

Did a few youtube videos about this game and i really enjoyed it but im still confused about 1 thing, what was noelle's sexual orientation?


the creator confirmed that noelle is a lesbian in one of the answered asks on her tumblr

hey so i saw the background and i love it, but im curious as to how u got the backgrounds to look like that? im working on a visual novel mysel and i struggle with backgrounds, i feel this could be a good learning opportunity!

I'm pretty sure the backgrounds are photographs that have a paintery filter applied to them.


the cutest game ever! I love it so much

This visual novel has multiple endings based on the decisions you've made?

also: Everytime I make a new game, it chooses Diya, why this happens?


There's only one ending! It starts with Diya every time, it has a set storyline it follows


Oh, thank you.


Very. Cute. Art. Style. ^^


For those unaware (as I was, and seems many of the other commenters), she is working on a sequel! :D I can't wait, this game was so so so adorable!

OMG!!! do u know a bit abt what it might be about? is it still following Diya and them? or  anew group of ppl?

it'll be following the same baseball team, maybe a few new characters or something, i'm not sure.  i've seen brianna discuss some things she wants to include in the sequel related to the main characters, so i know they're definitely relevant!! i'm so excited :'D

Yeah, I'm excited! It'll continue with the team. The story originally was going to be all one game, but she realized it was way too much to handle at once (and didn't expect the huge positive reception), so split it into two (and moved some stuff around to fit).






I finished this is one sitting, and I have to say; it was amazing. From the memes to that good good Diamond ;) 

Will you ever be creating any after stories or perhaps writing anything similar to this? I know I'm not the only one who'd be here for it. 

Thank you so much for creating something so amazing!

(1 edit)

In case you haven't heard by now, Brianna is working on a sequel (as stated in interviews and on her twitter)! While it's release date is supposed to be in summer 2019, it appears to still be tentative. 


I finish the game (snif) and It was amazing, I'm not English (I'm french lul ._.) but it was the most funnier game ever xD 

And I loves the characters :o There are so interessing ! :3

Soooo, it's just a awesome game download this and give all your money bitch ;D <3

(Sorry for my bad english !)


So I slowly finished through this, and holy cow, I've never laughed so much at one game before, and never have I gotten that giddy while playing through it. All the characters have that one golden gem of them, and it really slams on the game and makes you connect with them. 


omg omg!! this  was sooo good! the humor had me laughing the whole way through, the characters were so good, I could see a little bit of my self in all of the main cast! the story was great, it made me miss high school! thanks for the nostalgia!

(1 edit) (+2)

My first visual novel and I'm just blown away. The characters are amazingly written and sooooo relatable, the world-building is very good, the music's always on point and the feels...oh my god, the FEELS!! 

I enjoyed every minute of it and became very attached to the characters over the course of my playthrough. It's also way funnier than I first expected, considering the heavy topics it deals with. I definitely recommend checking it out!

(ó ꒳ ò✿)

PS. The queer representation is amazing! I actually started cheering when my favourite character came out as bi ^-^




Oh my gosh,,,, i just finished this game and it's p e r f e c t. I am in love with all the characters and their different dynamism but somehow,,, they just work together,, 

I feel for Diya 99% of the time with her anxiety,, and love for dogs and food. She's so cute with just the way she is and it makes me feel better about myself too :')) Noelle's story with her mom also hit home pretty hard,, i like that it ends on a good note!!! But still with humour!! It's a message that touched my heart and i just needed it so thank you so much ;;

(((also this game made me go through a long face journey bc my roommate is in and i couldnt squeal esp when that last CG popped up asjdfdk)))

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