Yes, just yes, this game was amazing! "albret einstong" is my favorite character and i love them all! ahhhhhhh--- AHEM-- well, now i know were my girlfriend got her roleplay name from~ "Min-seo", suits her a little bit.
Omg! I love this so much!I'd play this game a thousand times! Its so well made and the humour is great! I was laughing so much! Every charater had their own personality and background everything was so well made and the plot was awesome, I love how we got to see from everyones perspective to know what they think and what their going through! And the art was spectacular! I loved it the color palletes, the shading the expresions, oh itsBEAUTIFUL! I love this and would be so happy if there was another one like it or a sequel. This game needs more attention! Sorry, i didn't realize i was ranting! Im so glad i found this game!!
Oh my god I adore this game. It's so cute and so gay and so Asian!! All me things!! Thank you for this awesome multifaceted representation. I'm in love with this art style and the dialogue!
Also excited abt the traditional chinese vers, i'm gonna play that next to practice my Chinese. and wow how often do u get gay/bi gal content in Chinese??? So excited as a Chinese diaspora!
Min and Diya are so cuuuute!!!!! And I love Akarsha and how funny she is but how the game doesn't shy away from her insecurity too. And I love Noelle and her strength as she tries to defy her parents and argue back against them, and her making friends.
Also love the anxiety rep from Diya, and the "odd" traits that I can rlly relate to, and I love that she's portrayed as so loved and fiercely protected by her friends. Kinda makes me feel loved too.
All in all, this is one of my new faves! <3
Btw, where can i buy this art pdf? Ur shop link doesn't seem to work :( and i wanna support ur awesome art!
this game is probably my favorite lgbt game.... i was laughing from start to finish honestly, it's hard to find dialogue that isn't a bit on the bland side, but you really know how to be hella entertaining and hilarious. and oh my GOD it's so damn cute. i just wish there was more noelle/akarsha!! other than that, 10/10.
Beautiful ❤️ I'm so glad you made this, A game I always wanted to play! Take your time for Android (I played it on PC) This game has beautiful Art work! Please keep working on this! I can't get enough of it!!!! -Love QuietAnime-
Guys, I wanna play Butterfly Soup because my friend said it's amazinggg! But I can't seem to get it. I downloaded it all on PC and stuff but I don't know where I'm supposed to go! There are so many folders!! Please help!!
Olá Pessoal! Vi a disponibilidade do idioma 'Português' e me questiono: A alguem fazendo as traduções para contribuir com seu trabalho? Estou fazendo faculdade na área e pretendo trabalhar com visual novels, seria legal ter um parecer de alguem sobre como é, dificuldades e a parte de tradução. Obrigado pela atenção, qualquer coisa eu escrevo em inglês.
I loved the game!! It is such a great game. Also, I loved the ending when Diya and Min go to get a doggo and.. then it has Pom and Shibe from your other game. This game overall was fun to play, and I enjoyed it! I really hope you make tiny references about this game in other games you make in the future. Weirdly enough, I felt the same as all the girls (The main characters) at some point in the story. Hopefully this comment bring you joy. (P.S. I loved the text scenes and the parts where Min and Akarsha bond, especially the Akarsha moments, since I loved her character)
Time to replay for 5th time!!! I am soo loving this VN..The genre is amazing..VN covers every aspect that people face in the world..I can relate too many characters..1,000,000/1 and 400 thumbs up!!!!
← Return to game
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I Love this game it felt true i loved it i wish to see these characters again this is amazing <3
It's so amazing, realistic, and most importantly GAY
i love akarsha. she is one of the best pepole ive ever seen...i wanna meet someone like that...
im gonna be like that-
Yes, just yes, this game was amazing! "albret einstong" is my favorite character and i love them all! ahhhhhhh--- AHEM-- well, now i know were my girlfriend got her roleplay name from~ "Min-seo", suits her a little bit.
Omg! I love this so much!I'd play this game a thousand times! Its so well made and the humour is great! I was laughing so much! Every charater had their own personality and background everything was so well made and the plot was awesome, I love how we got to see from everyones perspective to know what they think and what their going through! And the art was spectacular! I loved it the color palletes, the shading the expresions, oh its BEAUTIFUL! I love this and would be so happy if there was another one like it or a sequel. This game needs more attention! Sorry, i didn't realize i was ranting! Im so glad i found this game!!
Oh my god I adore this game. It's so cute and so gay and so Asian!! All me things!! Thank you for this awesome multifaceted representation. I'm in love with this art style and the dialogue!
Also excited abt the traditional chinese vers, i'm gonna play that next to practice my Chinese. and wow how often do u get gay/bi gal content in Chinese??? So excited as a Chinese diaspora!
Min and Diya are so cuuuute!!!!! And I love Akarsha and how funny she is but how the game doesn't shy away from her insecurity too. And I love Noelle and her strength as she tries to defy her parents and argue back against them, and her making friends.
Also love the anxiety rep from Diya, and the "odd" traits that I can rlly relate to, and I love that she's portrayed as so loved and fiercely protected by her friends. Kinda makes me feel loved too.
All in all, this is one of my new faves! <3
Btw, where can i buy this art pdf? Ur shop link doesn't seem to work :( and i wanna support ur awesome art!
I loved playing this game, the art, characters, music, story plot, EVERYTHING WAS JUST SO SNAZZY!!
P.S. my favorite character is Akarsha, she's funny UwU
Min and Diya kiss over table, me: HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO DARN CUTE!!!!
Fav quote: Friendship is like peeing on yourself, everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings.
Pure love for this game,, keep up the good work<3
OMG I literally fell in love with this game. You're a genius creator!!!!!
The game is
terrible suck it boiIDKthis game is legit the cutest, funniest, and best game at the same time omg
I love this game 11/10 but it made me realise that i'll never have a hot edgy dom gf and it makes me sad
this game is probably my favorite lgbt game.... i was laughing from start to finish honestly, it's hard to find dialogue that isn't a bit on the bland side, but you really know how to be hella entertaining and hilarious. and oh my GOD it's so damn cute. i just wish there was more noelle/akarsha!! other than that, 10/10.
Is there ever going to be a Chrome version???
the art is so cute ur so talented!!!
Such a great game omggggg
I can't wait for the second part so much hypee
Beautiful ❤️ I'm so glad you made this, A game I always wanted to play! Take your time for Android (I played it on PC) This game has beautiful Art work! Please keep working on this! I can't get enough of it!!!! -Love QuietAnime-
its so cute and i love it so much wOw skajkanfdnm
I'm hyped fjkslfds give me a french version pls i love u
Oh my god, when i read that this game was available in portuguese, i start crying of happiness
Such a beautiful game!! <333
I am so glad I played this! Utterly adorable story and characters. Wholeheartedly approved!
I like that you put the Pom from 'Pom Gets Wi-Fi' in the end
Guys, I wanna play Butterfly Soup because my friend said it's amazinggg! But I can't seem to get it. I downloaded it all on PC and stuff but I don't know where I'm supposed to go! There are so many folders!! Please help!!
You don't need to browse that folders, just click the 'ButterflySoup' with a gradient butterfly icon and vuala :>
Okey guys... I need to tell some words about this game.
For first this is A W E S O M E!
I can find here :
^romans, rlly cute romans
^memes, its always funny and I was suprised bcs i dont think it could be a great combination >romanse, memes< but it was!
^great characters, Akarsha was the best for me. >She have a good sense of humor and my lovely Min. She have a great style and brutal personality<
^For the most i like a friendship
The last scene was for me just one big WOW! It was cute and innocent and this fail in the end make me laugh hard.
For the end I need to thank You very much, U done a rlly good job. I have a lot of fun and if u do a next part i will be thankful. Your very talented.
Cute Game!
Olá Pessoal! Vi a disponibilidade do idioma 'Português' e me questiono: A alguem fazendo as traduções para contribuir com seu trabalho? Estou fazendo faculdade na área e pretendo trabalhar com visual novels, seria legal ter um parecer de alguem sobre como é, dificuldades e a parte de tradução. Obrigado pela atenção, qualquer coisa eu escrevo em inglês.
Y e s u s. This is everything I needed in a visual novel.
Vibrant and Unique personalities.
C h a r a c t e r g r o w t h.
Aaaand moooore.
I just binged this at midnight, and I enjoyed every bit of that. I was freakin' cackling everytime Akarsha ever came into the picture.
This story is so freaking adorable I'm in love <3
welp this is my new religion
i love this game far to much!!!
!!CAUTION!! [Spoilers In this comment!]
I loved the game!! It is such a great game. Also, I loved the ending when Diya and Min go to get a doggo and.. then it has Pom and Shibe from your other game. This game overall was fun to play, and I enjoyed it! I really hope you make tiny references about this game in other games you make in the future. Weirdly enough, I felt the same as all the girls (The main characters) at some point in the story. Hopefully this comment bring you joy. (P.S. I loved the text scenes and the parts where Min and Akarsha bond, especially the Akarsha moments, since I loved her character)
Time to replay for 5th time!!! I am soo loving this VN..The genre is amazing..VN covers every aspect that people face in the world..I can relate too many characters..1,000,000/1 and 400 thumbs up!!!!
so cute, made me feel so good <3
min reminded me of chloe and,,,,, a girl i know... which is +839 bonus points
thank you for this heartwarming story! also, loved how exaggerated min and mainly akarsha are dkw but i do
also, just my type of humor, sorta dumb and fresh, spot on
Love it!!! I keep replaying...