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this is like,,, the best game ive ever played?? i just finished it and im actually crying, i set the ending cg as my desktop backround. these are the best characters ive seen and, thank u so much for making this experiece :,)

this was the cutest thing ever!!!!!! i loved each character and the romance between min and diya made my life complete!! so good thank u


why pay for therapy when butterfly soup is free




I've played this game a couple of times and decided to come back to it today, still as gorgeous and captivating as I remember it.


i came back to play this game again, and honestly? i love it even more -- and i wasn't sure that was even possible. being represented, not only as an lesbian, but also as a tamil person? oh my god that felt fabulous. i am so attatched to this vn, i love it so much. 


DUDE I LOVED THIS!!! One thing though: (SPOILERS AHEAD) I signed the petition as Diya and I don't know what happened and what did I do. Can someone explain? (I finished the game - I'm guessing it's the gay marriage thing but I'm not sure)

I think you signed up for baseball club! 


That does make sense, thank you!

Amazing 10/10 would play again 

Ok so how do you actually load and play the game after downloading? I'm on a laptop that runs windows 10.

click on the game in downloads, then a number of files should appear. click on the one that says application. a pop up should appear asking if you want to extract the files, say yes, then it should open on its own. im not a technology expert btw this is just what worked for me

I just finished playing it and i'm still smiling because of how sweet and precious it is!  It's a really funny and cute visual novel that made me love the characters to death!

One of my favourite games. I completed it months ago and still think about it. Really brilliant. I'm playing it through again now in Portuguese just to improve my language :)


Esse jogo é tão bom <3

Eu sou completamente apaixonada por todas as personagens

I loved this game! It was hilarious and heartfelt, an all around good time. I love how nuanced the characters are, even if we only meet them for a short time. Thank you for this wonderful experience 

This game is absolutely amazing!! The story of each girl is very interesting and the art style is beautiful. It's also full of hilarious moments.  LITERALLY my favourite visual novel.


Just downloaded and started playing ... never laughed so much. I love it. Will say that Akarsha's period move on Min was sick but it made me laugh that Min decided to be friends with her. I will also say that I really like Chryssa, she's absolutely stunning. Great job on her design! I'm currently on Noelle's portion of the game, but I just had to send this comment. Keep up the good work.!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really likes this game! I loved the plot


This was so cuteeeee thanks for the serotonin tho :')))))))))))))


this was so cute! so glad i played it :)


i adore this game so much, especially as a bisexual vietnamese person. thank you for sharing this game!! i played it in one sitting lol


This is a fantastic game! :)


my ex looks just like min-seo and that makes me sad


awh im sorry :((


One of the best games I've ever played, I am very excited for anything else made by Brianna.


The absolute BEST GAME I have ever played!!!


This is the best lesbian visual novel I have ever played and let me tell you... I HAD EMOTIONS! I love it too much!



so cute and funny and as a gay girl, totally relatable




Game is great! when i have free time from work i ALWAYS go to this game cause it has so much gameplay!


I seriously loved this game, im so happy i stumbled upon it. everything about it is incredible and the writing and the characters are so well written. it seriously warmed my heart I can't even explain!!!! and the art is so cute and i wish i could find the words to properly explain how much i loved it but this is the best i can do

(1 edit) (+8)

I've never written  a game review before, but after playing this game, I knew I had to because if theres even a 1% chance the game's creator will see this, I'm going to take it.

This game is phenomenal, period. I usually don't enjoy visual novels that don't have many differences story wise depending on the players actions, however this game was so intriguing, heartwarming, and well written that I now see it *had* to be that way, because this is such an important story, it needed to be presented in a specific way. I'm not saying this game was "groundbreaking" or anything, however I am saying that it is amazing, and I genuinely think more people need to play it.

From here on out, I will be reviewing the game, so if you don't want minor spoilers PLEASE stop now. This story is very well paced and its much better if you go into it blind. Just remember to interact with everything, because even the small details offer great insights into the characters.

Technically, this game was flawless, The art was gorgeous and charming, the sound effects were perfect, and the music was great for setting the mood of each individual scene. This, coupled with the game's easy to navigate interface made it very smooth and enjoyable, unlike some other "clunky" visual novels I've read.

Every character in this game is well written, with maybe the exception of some of the more minor characters on the team, but even they were unique, likable, and endearing. The main characters, such as Min and Diya are very multidimensional, having deep thoughts and character complexities that compliment their more exaggerated and comedic character quirks very nicely. And the lesser explored characters, such as Jun and Hayden, are still given unique traits that leave readers wanting to know more about them. Characters you may hate at the beginning of the story (as I did with Noelle), you will learn to love and admire by the end of the story, wanting nothing more than for them to be happy.

The detail and care that went into this game is what really made it stand out for me. My favorite character was Akarsha, the friendly, aloof, class clown of the friend group. While the persona she presents is certainly charming in and of itself, the glimpses we get into her own insecurities make her very relatable, especially for me. One moment that stuck out to me was when you are playing her section, you are given the opportunity to "look at your reflection". Hearing Akarsha joke about how much she hates her looks and blatantly stating that she thinks she'll never be as pretty as Diya broke my heart, and it amazed me that this was something you could entirely skip if you wanted to. This game never forces "teenage angst" on you too badly, but it is deeply emotional and endearing. All of these characters can have you crying in one moment, and laughing in the next, which is something I find very difficult to achieve without it seeming forced.

The relationship dynamics between all the characters are amazing: the chaotic duo that is Akarsha and Min, the budding romance between Min and Diya, the false nemeses of Noelle and Min, the love-hate relationship of Akarsha and Noelle, the dependable friendship between Diya and Noelle, all of them have their own unique interaction styles that makes every conversation entertaining and intriguing.

This is just a wonderful coming of age story overall. The modern pop culture/meme references are hilarious and help the player to connect more with the in-game world emotionally. The development of Diya and Min's relationship is very gradual, but it never seems like its dragging on. Their friendship reminded me exactly of how I felt about my first best friend, thinking I was her protector and wanting her in every aspect of my life. Their love is so pure and sincere (side note, I also nearly CRIED when I saw that Min had been teaching Diya to say "I love you". I knew it was going to be something romantic, but the fact that it was literally just how Min felt made it so much cuter. ) I also loved how the game tackled the concept of being queer. The way Diya slowly realized she liked Min back brought me back to my own first real "girl crush" memories, and all the internal gay panic that ensued as a result.

Finally, this game resonated with me the most in the final scene before the "future sequence" in which the meaning of the games title is revealed. I'd come to know and love these characters, and hearing them say things like "You're going to be okay" and "its alright to change" made it feel like they were old friends, talking to me, the player. As someone who is also struggling with growing up and self identity and all that shit, it really resonated with me, and I didn't realize how much I needed to hear it until then.

Overall, this game is heartwarming, hilarious, and above all, real. So to the creators of this game, thank you. Thank you for giving us this hopeful story about queer gals learning to love both each other ;), but more importantly, themselves. I look forward to seeing whatever you create in the future. Sorry for the rambling, I just found this game super charming and I wanted you all to know that. And to anyone who might be reading this review, 

1) This game is worth your time I PROMISE. 


2) Its okay if you're feel like you've fallen apart. You're just in the soup stage. You'll become your own butterfly soon enough. <3

Thanks for reading my shitty review. Take care!

(1 edit) (+2)

Brianna's the sole creator of the game!

I want to play on my chrome book but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing  :/ help please 

unfortunately Chromebooks do not allow you to run downloaded programs. You'd have to play this on computers that run an OS: windows, apple, or Linux. 


I just played this game today and omg this is the cutest game ever! srsly i had so much fun playing this. All the character's designs are wonderful, love the art style and the writing is great! I love how this game looks as well? Like the colour schemes and overall layout is very seamless (but that just the CS major in me talking lmao). Thank you so much for making this and also free?? to download?? you're way too kind! 


I'm a Korean-American queer girl whos a freshman in a super Asian Californian high school.  I love the characters, humor, but especially the aspects of growing up in Oakland as an Asian American. I love this so much, thank you <3


i cant figure out how to play this on my chromebook, does anyone know how to?


Would it be possible to make a second version of this? It was amazing, It made me almost cry and laugh


I think the author is planning to write a second one! It may take some time tho :)


That sounds amazing and honestly, I am fine if it will takes a long time. The more time and effort you put into something, the better it will be! Gotta thank you for the reply as well.

just finished this game,  loved it, constantly made me laugh!!!

Im playing right now, THIS GAME IS SO FUN! AMAZING GAME!

Love this game!! It is so heartwarming and sweet. The characters are all likeable to a degree but you gotta love Akarsha!! I was having a bad time but her comedic timing and overall personality made my day!! I highly recommend this game and I wish a sequel could be made.

i'd be lying if i said this didn't make me ugly cry... but seriously! i am just bursting with love for this game, i dunno why i haven't found this sooner!! the memes?? the gaes?? and where did min get a permit to be /that/ hot?? no other game will come closer to my heart than this one. thank you for creating this <3

I love this game so much!

(1 edit) (-1)

This is a really great visual novel. The writing is fantastic, and the characters feel like flesh blood people. I don't think I've ever laughed this hard playing a visual novel, and it's great fun (with a bunch of memes. The memes get me, and the context works too).

Thatbeing  said, this game definetly has some weak aspects. A game like this is compelling, until they don't feel alive anymore. The poses, whilst sufficient, are fairly static, and don't show a lot of character. Compared to the larger than life poses of ace attorney, these characters can feel stiff, especially when you get deep into it. 

Overall, it is a great game with a few flaws, definitely worth your time and support to the developers. 5/5

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