I love this so much! My big gay heart can't take all of this cuteness!! Thank you for making this and taking some of the sting out of the homophobic comments/actions my mom does <3<3
IM SOBBING. as a gay asian enby person with shitty parents and mental health issues this game is really hitting me differently and my boyfriend had to watch me sob about this game for 10 minutes while he was half asleep.
I just played this game and was blown away. It was a constant rollercoaster of emotions that either had me laughing or crying and reminiscing about my gay childhood/high school crushes haha. I was wondering if the soundtrack for this game is out anywhere? It was so good, thank you so so much for creating such heartwarming work that touched on so many real subjects ;u;
Hello!! I hope you’re doing well creator. I recently played this game and LOVED IT. I later found out that there used to be merch for Butterfly Soup, but when I found the link, the site doesn’t appear to be working anymore. It seems that other people are experiencing this issue. Sorry if you’ve answered this before, but what happened to the merch? Is it no longer available? I really wanted to buy Min’s jacket ;-;
"The merch is currently sold out! I’m planning to focus my energy on my future games right now, so the store probably won’t be live again until my next big game comes out"
This was the kinda joy i needed in my life right now and I can't wait to play more. One of my lords asked me to play it for my channel so here's episode 1
First, I wanted to say that I played this game for the first time now over a year ago. And when I started I just couldn't stop playing this game (until I finished it of course U_U) I cried, I laught, I GHFjdjktAuGHg gay too.
This game is AaawWesOMe, the graphics, the humor, the story, everything!
Please, if you haven't played to this game and you are reading this comment U_U ... what are you doing here ? Download it ! (plz)
(And if you are rich or idk have a paypal, give all your money, because I can't. And if I could I would HUMHUM.)
Soooo, bye bye, have a nice day~ I'm going to re download it uwu
(also.. Brianna Lei, if you want a French translation or something idk. I'd be glad to help!)
Lixy! I hope you see this, because I am looking for people that want to translate the game. Brianna isn’t taking any more translations (from faq). However, that doesn’t stop us from creating unoficial translations.
Also, I am really looking for a french translator, because I want to give Noelle the birthday gift of a french translation on the 18. January
This game is my absolute favorite game! It helped me through some very difficult times, and it inspired me to create visual novels of my own. I absolutely love the characters and the art.
Hi, I'm brazilian and I just loved your game, at first I thought that the Brazilian Portuguese version would have a few grammar mistakes, just like the other games, but yours was different, it was great. I think that the game design is just perfect and sooo cute, I loved it. I also noticed that the UI is just so intuitive and easy. Congrats on your game is just awsome ♡
← Return to game
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I LOVED the game. Akarsha can be described in the sentence "Be gay, do crime" and I'm all about it
I love this so much! My big gay heart can't take all of this cuteness!! Thank you for making this and taking some of the sting out of the
homophobiccomments/actions my mom does <3<3ok, I LOVE THEM ALL!
They are my sweetest, cute, heart-warming bby
u w u
this is so cute
min is rude noelle is best
Be nice to poor Min XD They both deserve the best :')))
poor min? she kicked a poor popcorn seller in the nuts he was my fav character
We all make big oopsies in our life lmao
Thank you so much for this heartwarming game
Diya: Twitch
Min: Snapchat
Noelle: Zoom
Akarsha: Omegle
Legit my fav game
IM SOBBING. as a gay asian enby person with shitty parents and mental health issues this game is really hitting me differently and my boyfriend had to watch me sob about this game for 10 minutes while he was half asleep.
*shipper tears of joy*
Though I do not hope to return high-school age, I cry after play this TT)
I love all 4 main character now. And hope to see more story about other team member in their team. if there will be next. Thanks nice game.
I'm naming my future dog Pom, that's all :)
I still suck at fan art. So here's another song!
Akarsha: There’s literally no other reason you’d step foot in a GameStop if you didn’t like me, dude. Just say so already.
Noelle: … …
Akarsha: Admit it.
Noelle: Fine.
Noelle: I like you.
Akarsha: What the… ah…!
Noelle: What.
Akarsha: That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me!
Noelle: Really? Then I take it back.
Akarsha: Pfft. Wow! (*laughing)
Noelle: (*giggling)
that's so frickin' cute. #Akarelle :>
Woot woot, thank you!
yw lol
Oh, my god. That's cute!
omg, thank you!
This was a great game I like it !
Oh look, episode 2!!
I wish I was mi TwT ooooof I want love in my life.... such coot couple -w-
best game i've played all year
this game is so freaking cute and inspired me to start making my own visual novel!
i loved this game so much , the characters , the story , i
really hope theres gonna be a part 2 of dis :<
I just played this game and was blown away. It was a constant rollercoaster of emotions that either had me laughing or crying and reminiscing about my gay childhood/high school crushes haha. I was wondering if the soundtrack for this game is out anywhere? It was so good, thank you so so much for creating such heartwarming work that touched on so many real subjects ;u;
This is an amazing game! It's got a great story and characters, and they're gay!
Hello!! I hope you’re doing well creator. I recently played this game and LOVED IT. I later found out that there used to be merch for Butterfly Soup, but when I found the link, the site doesn’t appear to be working anymore. It seems that other people are experiencing this issue. Sorry if you’ve answered this before, but what happened to the merch? Is it no longer available? I really wanted to buy Min’s jacket ;-;
Why is your online store down?
"The merch is currently sold out! I’m planning to focus my energy on my future games right now, so the store probably won’t be live again until my next big game comes out"
I found that here : https://brianna-lei.tumblr.com/about it's her tumblr ^w^
Thanks for the info! I appreciate it :) I shall wait for what's to come then! Keep working hard creator. We support you!
I'm not good at art.
So I wrote a song instead.
I really appreciate this game. Keep doing what you love to do.
This was the kinda joy i needed in my life right now and I can't wait to play more. One of my lords asked me to play it for my channel so here's episode 1
First, I wanted to say that I played this game for the first time now over a year ago. And when I started I just couldn't stop playing this game (until I finished it of course U_U) I cried, I laught, I GHFjdjktAuGHg gay too.
This game is AaawWesOMe, the graphics, the humor, the story, everything!
Please, if you haven't played to this game and you are reading this comment U_U ... what are you doing here ? Download it ! (plz)
(And if you are rich or idk have a paypal, give all your money, because I can't. And if I could I would HUMHUM.)
Soooo, bye bye, have a nice day~ I'm going to re download it uwu
(also.. Brianna Lei, if you want a French translation or something idk. I'd be glad to help!)
Lixy! I hope you see this, because I am looking for people that want to translate the game. Brianna isn’t taking any more translations (from faq). However, that doesn’t stop us from creating unoficial translations.
Also, I am really looking for a french translator, because I want to give Noelle the birthday gift of a french translation on the 18. January
Hello wow, sorry that's been a while ^^'
if you still up i still can help :)
It’s been a while since I checked itch too.. Anyways, I have all of my translation stuff on github, I am currently talking with someone else that is translating it: https://github.com/hackerncoder/butterfly-soup_translations/issues/4 you decide if you want to.
OMG, I love this game so much. I'm half korean and I'm bi so this really hits home. UGH, I love everything
I had downloaded the game , And got half-way through until my laptop ( Pc ) decided to crash! Then i tried to download it again but it would not work.
Then when i would try to un-zip it , It would say Error TvT it's such a good game. I really just want to finish,
I'm sorry to hear you can't play it! What does the error message say when you try to unzip it? Are you on the latest version (2.12)?
This game is my absolute favorite game! It helped me through some very difficult times, and it inspired me to create visual novels of my own. I absolutely love the characters and the art.
I related so hard to Akarsha but I fell in love with all of these characters and I love this game so much!!!!!
I'm a black man in my 30s and I *am* Noelle.
I uploded it So. Many. Times! It do0es not work for me. Although my friends told me I would love it because I am lesbian
I love love LOVE this game! Diya is bby by the way <3
I have downloaded this game like three times, but it still never runs on my Mac 😔 (Edit: nevermind i got it to work)
Same problem is happening with me, can you tell me how you fixed it?
When you start up the game you will get this screen:
Just drag the file into the applications folder, like so:
That's what worked for me, I hope it helps :)
also min is so much like me fo real
sory this was the easyest way to send a message
I love your games and can you pleeeese make another ive played both of them like 15 times alredy.
Hi, I'm brazilian and I just loved your game, at first I thought that the Brazilian Portuguese version would have a few grammar mistakes, just like the other games, but yours was different, it was great. I think that the game design is just perfect and sooo cute, I loved it. I also noticed that the UI is just so intuitive and easy. Congrats on your game is just awsome ♡
I cried. Also, while I don't miss high school, I'm sure if I had a better experience and friends in high school, I totally would miss it.
Thank you for making this wonderful story about queer, Asian teens.