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i love this game!! it was funny, cute, and  i couldn't step away from my computer screen for more than like 10 minutes because i wanted to keep reading so badly ;-; i really liked the bits of conversation that were through their group chat! it was an interesting mechanic and also, memes. as a bi asian, although unathletic in every single way possible, i really related to characters and loved them all. i actually still have this game downloaded because i had a feeling that i'd want to play it again lmao. just overall love it, and i'm excited to see what you make in the future :)


I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! SO MUCH!!! Now I can really say I'm a fan of Brianna Lei


I love this game! I already enjoyed your other game and this one's great too! The art and dialogue are awesome ^^

(1 edit)

i cant download it it says its forbidden

Deleted post

it won't let me play it


such a wonderful and good game!


You should try it! 110/10.

Butterfly Soup 2? I want to see what gonna happen with Noelle, Akarsha, Min and Diya!






Omg! This is such a good game! 100% Supportive if Butterfly Soup 2 comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!! #MinIsTheBest


I live in Oakland. This is accurate description of Oakland. Therefore, use this game as a map to interacting with us Oaklanders.



this was so well done oh my god,, everything was so spot on, from the back stories, the plot, the depth, the music, the memes and the characters?? damn i love this with my whole heart <333

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

OMG, I lovvvvvvvved this.

You accept request for translations? xD

(I would like for translate it into spanish!)


I screamed a lot, I laughed a lot, and I related a lot. this game is a gem and I'm eternally grateful for its existence thank u. I love the art the memes and the storytelling!! I really want to see more about the characters' lives and the baseball team and if their problems with their parents are ever resolved.

I will never not laugh so hard I cry at min +akarsha

this game is AMAZING i'd give it a million outta million i love the art and story so much :)




she is!! its coming out rlly soon!


I love this

I love all of this

This is amazing

I love this so muchhhh

Please part 2


im SOBBINGthis game is so good thank u i love u so much


Hey! I really enjoyed the game and would like to translate it in to Turkish!

Do you accept requests for translations or?


Hi there, thanks for offering to translate it! Please message me on either my twitter or tumblr (which are on my profile page) so I can send you more details!


It should be illegal for this game to end. My poor lesbian heart can't take being denied these sweet precious goobers...


Words can't describe how amazing this game is. The only criticism I have is that it was too short, and I really would've wanted to see more of everyone else in the baseball team. Probably the best visual novel I've ever played!


Good game, I love it! I like the art and dialogue!!!


Congratulations on making such a beautiful game! I loved the characters, the dialogue, and your art style. Also, the ending is great! Even though the game is relatively short, when the credits appeared, I was left with that feeling that I had been through events in my life with a group of friends, and a bit sad that it was over. For me, this is one of those feelings that are associated to good narrative and good game design. I hope we will be able to experience some more of these amazing characters' lives, and I wish you the best for your future projects!


I absolutely adored this game & all the extra booklet pictures/descriptions were a nice treat for when I finished!! I relate pretty hard to Diya, being half deaf and the WORST at social communication. Wish when I get nervous I'd run 3 miles though, i'd be so in shape!! I really love how authentic, gay and cute this game is - and actually very informative, while being laced with that realness underneath. I will defo look out for more of your work! ! <3


This is absolutely beautiful!

(1 edit) (+1)

I can't get it to work. BitDefender says it's malicious. 


Ok turned off anti-virus software and now it works.

PART DAMN 222222222!!!!


Overall, this game was beautifully made and felt so realistic to me. It was funny and had a great story line with relatable . I have never done this over a game, but I cried at that ending and when I saw that extra at the end. This was truly amazing and will always cherish this game. 

i love this game, its so butifule, and i can totally ralate to diya XD

Amazing! plz make another game or a part 2!

I've got no words, I mean it was just an amazing game! I'm so glad I had the chance to play it and the message through the story really touched me. I hope you make a second part or something!! :)


Made an account just to comment, this game ROCKS! The characters are so realistic, they're just these absolute weirdos with a strange sense of humor which nails exactly what everyone was like when they were in high school (I know I was) and that is also the message of the game :) that it's okay to be different. The sexuality comes as just a small part of the bigger picture all about the struggles of growing up like expectations, troublesome parents and school life. Each of the character's have their flaws like Diya's social anxiety or Min's aggression and that makes them so much more whole! Watching the weird shits the group gets up to is lots of fun. Would reccomend!


I love this game so much! Not just the storyline, but the art style and character design, too, and the characters were very relatable! I don't usually find games that I can relate to background-wise, coming from a city where everyone I knew was either a first or second generation immigrant, but that wasn't the case with this game. I want to talk about one of the scenes a bit, and it's not that much of a spoiler I think.

The scene is the one where Min, Jun and Evil Dragon talk about the percent of Asians in the U.S. I grew up in Canada, but it seemed like in my city/area the people were 90% Middle-eastern, 9% Asian, and 1% white, and because of this I thought the rest of Canada was the same. And after moving away to a city where over 90% of the people are white I developed an opinion on white people similar to Min's, since here kids are typically raised by racist families and they aren't exposed to other cultures or skin colours. The culture shock was pretty strong! Luckily I found a great group of friends, one of which seems like a clone of Akarsha's personality now that I think about it.

I love Buttyerfly Soup and Pom Gets Wi-Fi, so I'm excited to see your future games!

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