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Can you romance the characters? sorry, stupid question,


More like the characters romance each other and you get to watch in glee

i would love to see like them coming out to their parents tbh


Fair, although I am not sure that’s a particularly good idea for most of them. Maybe when they are older, as in no longer financially dependant on them. In Min’s case I doubt she cares to tell them; Diya’s mom has been openly homophobic; with Noelle’s parents it’s hard to predict, though considering their narrow life trajectory for Noelle, I doubt they’d be overly supportive; and apparently Akarsha’s parents probably have figured out something is up anyway, so maybe hers could work. Frankly I suspect they would love to see Akarsha with the polite and responsible Noelle.




These games legitimately made me learn so much about my upbringing and relationship with my own Asian parents in just a few hours, incredibly well-done and adorable to boot too :D


VERY GOOD game. I spend 2 hours (was it 3? Or 4?) playing it, and it was one of the best games I've played. Yay for the gays =D


The future scene was so cute, I can die happy now 

Deleted 325 days ago


Deleted 325 days ago

bad take


Deleted 325 days ago


Deleted 2 years ago

You're giving Noelle ngl

actually im an A+ student, dont even

Deleted 325 days ago


Deleted 325 days ago

Played this game during last month and MAN, I really missed those 4 and didn't know it! Thank you again for another masterpiece!! Although I felt liked the finale was kinda rushed and would love to see more gay drawings during the game's scenes (aka Min and Diya having lots of fun being adorable with eachother s2)! 

Also... GO GO GO AkaElle! NoelArsha... NoAka? AkarNoe? I don't know... But they're great! I can't wait for the sequel!! 

PS: Brazilian complete gameplay here! Ehe~


We typically call them ppkm --> pee pee ketchup man B)


Ahh, so THAT'S what it means!! 


Such beautiful fanart for such a silly ship name. Then again it’s almost terrifying how good the Bowser/Luigi fanart is and that ship is just wild. In conclusion fan-artists are amazing.


This game is so wonderful and I love all the characters


There are no words to describe how much I loved playing this! It was relatable, thought-provoking, heartbreaking, adorable, and so incredibly beautiful! I just finished playing but I immediately want to replay it lol


Is there going to be a BS3 about what happens with the future and concludes it or leaving it here or is there going to be a BS3 at all?


Funny, bittersweet and amazing representation. I remember starting the first game and playing it all in one go until the sun came up because it just sucked me in so much and this one was even better :) As queer Hong Kong diaspora, Noelle and Diya's sections touched me DEEPLY AND I WAS NOT PREPARED. Definitely my favourite game!!


These 2 games really got me sobbing at the end. As a genderfluid afab, i've loved WOMEN and baseball ever since I was little. These games made me go through such a different perspective with all the races and cultures around us. Although we're all a bit different, doesn't mean that we're not going through the same thing. Thank you for making these games and letting my little baseball loving gay heart sob <3.


Thats it folks, we have officially reached the best game






what if i started bawling right here right now

(1 edit) (+5)

Fantastic game that ,like the previous one, manages to make you laugh out loud at almost every line of dialogue while tackling serious issues about identity , gender , love , family and growing up among other topics. I loved the references to the previous game and it shines further light on some of the characters we learned less about in the previous game like Noelle. It was definitely worth every penny and I'm already looking forward to a hypothetical Butterfly Soup 3 ! Thanks Brianna ! <3  PS : The way relationships are portrayed in this game is hugely moving and adorable ! It really feels like reuniting with friends from middle school or high school. 


After of month of waiting I've finally got around to play this, and I'm an emotional mess now orz. I love this story, so so much! Thank you for making this. ❤️


I loved it, thank you so much! When I played BS1 around when it came back (as a cishet male teen, though), I was kind of early-Diya as I was quite damn shy but friendly ((and freaking tall)), but I was also quite enamored with the concept of love (cue JSR soundtrack) and knew that if I happened to make a fateful encounter like that, I'd have to own up to my feelings and go for it. The first game also left me with a really strong feeling of romantic loneliness so no thanks for that è_é

But well, it took over four years (with hopes that were not meant to be in-between), and I'm legally a full-fledged adult, but I think I finally found what your characters did. She's a total dork, and I love her (but we're into dogs a tad larger than Pom).

It also makes me realize how lucky I am to have had fair, loving, and respectful parents, it sucks that it's one thing I can't help others with.

Now the only thing left to do is to finally get the chance to try playing baseball!

Thanks for all that Brianna, the whole-hearted humor and drama of those two games really stuck with me, and even though they might not be video-game programming masterpieces, they are definitely realistic fiction works of art!

...sorry for such a long post, I needed to say it :D

I really love this game! Was absolutely hooked with it on my first play through, and replayed it again - a very enjoyable experience! Absolutely recommend playing this game and the first!


I sat down and was actually physically incapable of standing up until I inhaled the whole thing, ty brianna for your amazing, moving, and hilarious work : 'DDDDDD <3


I played the first game when I was in 7th grade now Im playing the second game as a senior in highschool I feel like I grow up with this game and im really happy about it <33

I'm playing it it 7th rn


noelle and akarsha are starting to get a bit too relatable


i just wanted to have my fun little gay times and now my immigrant ass is crying in the club

do i need to play the first game first


ok I will

Did you play the game?

no none of my devices can download it

can't u just play on web then?

use web then or some kind of emulator 


i loved the first game and i loved the second now make the third 😁

screaminh and sobbing its so good

this game crushed my pc,i was trying to open the app,i clicked it too many times and bsod 👌

i nee dthge gay bguysb version


so glad for a second Butterfly Soup! really loved the heart put into the first, and glad to see the second <3

why is it  butterfly soop .

(1 edit) (+1)

It was a reference from the first game

(1 edit) (+1)

Caterpillars become a messy goop inside the cocoon before they become butterflies, which is the metaphor used to describe growing up and learning about life 

I would like the game to have translation in Portuguese ;)


Unfortunately the Portuguese translators haven’t been that active. It’s only 1% done for Portuguese (Portugal) or 9% done for Brazilian.

Is there a way one could volunteer help?

(1 edit)

Yes! Join us:


So cute! so fun! So many balls, of so many varieties! Having grown up in a very white UK school,  love this glimpse into this messy, vibrant place. 10/10 would get dumbfounded by Akarsha's random questions again




I love Min-seo and the arc you wrote for her. I enjoyed this game a lot, even more than the first one.

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM FRECKING OUT RN



last year I played first game with my friend and we both loved it. We were so excited when we saw the second game and played it together. I love this game and its characters so much. My friends also loves it. And we both find this game funny and quote the dialogues sometimes. Anyway, I am glad I played it. Lots of love <3


I am once again alive. I miss Butterfly Soup. I miss Brianna Lei. I miss being a fresh and clumsy gay highschooler relying on a visual novel for existential clarity. This game really made a safe bubble for a lot of people. Thank you Brianna Lei for existing.


this game is honestly one of the best games i've ever played. i really enjoyed the first one and the sequel exceeded every expectation i had. growing up in an immigrant household, i find myself relating a lot to all of their stories in some way, but most especially diya and noelle's. this game means so much to me because i can finally have characters that have the same experiences and struggles as me. i cried a little bit when i finished the game and the credits rolled. it was really great, thank you :3


I hope they played Portal 2 together when it came out

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