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holy cow girl, you're an amazing writer. Thank you so much for helping me pry my own stunted emotions from the onion of my heart (It's got layers, Donkey). 

I wish I knew people like these, or if your games are any indication maybe even you, growing up. 

You captured the pain SO....perfectly. I hope you captured the real happiness too, because I want to feel how I feel right now for the rest of my life.

thks :*-)

(1 edit)

brianna lei i love ur mind times infinity plus one.... thank u for sharing this story with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1




Amazing sequel. Just as good as the first, which I didn't know if that was possible!!

Very important subject matter addressed, and consistently hilarious and sweet.

Very happily paid for it but very grateful it is free to play because it is so important TwT

Thank you so much, Brianna Lei!!!


(2 edits) (+6)

i just wanna take my time and say how much i adore this sequel. the first butterfly soup was my intro into gay girl gaming and visual novels as a whole. i remember being 15 and sneaking on the family computer late at night listening to a girls like girls playlist on 8tracks and playing this game. this game has created so many fond memories for me and playing the sequel made be go back to that feeling again, of being gay and looking for content to prove that maybe i do exist and theyre others like me. and im glad i found this game at the age as i did because yeah, theyre are others like me and that made young me really happy. i always find myself relating to the noelle and akarsha's parts the most because their stories just really resonates with me. this game is huge inspiration to me and i know a lot of other wouldnt hesitate to say the same. you do not miss ever, thank you for finishing this (but im mostly thankful to the AINI franchise LOLLLLL)


Thanks I liked it a lot. Can't wait for the third one.

JUST FINISHED, it was so good, thank you <3333333

(1 edit) (+4)

I really love this game, I've been waiting for this for such a long time. I really like the characters especially the plot, it was amazing and I definitely recommend playing it. If a genie granted me wishes, the first thing I'd say was to forget butterfly soup every month so I could play this over and over again. I enjoyed every single bit of the game, and LOVED the art. Thank you Brianna Lei for making this.


I just realized playing this game if you're having a hard time with trying to be efficient with all of your saves, you can go to page 9 and then you can click the arrows for infinity with infinite saves. I can't tell if this is a bug or not.




Yo this is the first game to make me cry and now it has a sequel, you best believe I'm playing this!

This was really sweet, the first game made me come to terms with being non-binary after an interaction I had with Brianna, and I appreciate the expanded desi representation. 

I'm hoping you get to work on the other work you stated would be about a different set of people. 


I found the first game when I was 11 years old, and it was exactly what I needed at the time. This game not only made me realize I was bisexual, it also made me feel comfortable in my sexuality. Now, almost 5 years later, I'm older than the main characters, and have been struggling with my sexuality again. This sequel is exactly what I needed right now. Opening the second game up, it made me tear up because it felt like I was revisiting old friends. Thank you so much for making these games, they truly have helped me with my identity. 


*mild spoiler at bottom

It's incredible. I opened it, saw them, cried a lot, then laughed so much I couldn't talk, and really alarmed my partner.

// spoiler

@dev thank you for the epilogue pronoun.


Every topic covered here is handled incredibly well and I loved the expansion on Akarsha's character as well as the thoughtful exploration in relationships between parents and their kids. Its all very relatable and the game over all makes me feel like I'm indulging in age regression...

The ending really soured my overall experience. i feel like it was uncomftorably heavy handed and rushed. I think it would've been better for the reader to understand the overall themes themselves without the conclusion spelling it out for them but overall everything before the ending is so so good... I missed these characters so much ;(


playing this while being in taipei as a taiwanese american who grew up here, you had no idea what i meant to see it in this game meantto me T_T i feel so seen. thank you so much for making this game! love the trajectory we've been DYING to see since butterfly soup 1 finally realised. i smiled like a happy idiot the entire time i played it. 

if u ever come here, please, let me buy you some boba and offer u my musical services.


Wow, I haven't finished the game yet but I had to pause to say that I don't think I've ever seen a game so frighteningly capture the experience of not being able to speak your own "home" language and the utter alienation that brings upon a person when they return to that country. That whole interaction between Noelle and her parents during the trip back to Taiwan was so insanely accurate, as well as when she was talking to her cousin too. I love love how this vn has been able to capture all these more seemingly fringe and outlying experiences of immigrant families so well, on top of the already well portrayed LGBT experiences too. It's a great game, truly, and it's made me feel so validated!

Thank you for making this sequel. Can't wait to see what my favorite fictional character named Min is up to!


this sequel is phenomenal!! I loved all the memes and shenanigans the lgbteens(+) got up to!! akarsha best girl but i adored seeing diya, min and noelle grow and develop too! it's also amazing to get to know more of the other girls on the baseball team <3

im so happy for this representation and insight into asian american kids! very nuanced and complicated and human! it's amazing to see the game tackling the nitty-gritty with a hopeful note of reframing it as a unique experience and the message it's never too late to learn about one's culture. life isn't optimal but we can do what we can to be happy with each other! thank you so much for this wonderful game!!! 


Absolutely loved this sequel! Im so glad Noelle was focused on during this game and the immigrant struggles were relatable as hell. I was feeling down and this was a hilarious (I love Akarsha), heartwarming read that really helped comfort me.  Also as a hijabi  who was a weeb during her teen years I feel so seen :')

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing sequel, Brianna Lei really meant it when she said she'll round out the whole cast. Love this game brings a tear to me eye. :) (Also the soundtrack is amazing)


Finished this game just now. And all I gotta say is that it is as legendary as the first game. Congratulations on making another masterpiece, Brianna.

This was incredible i loved it so much!!! The first Butterfly soup was one of my faves when it first came out and the sequel is equally as enjoyable and worth the wait for sure :D I'm older now but I wish I'd played this as a teenager. thank you so much for your hard work on this!



I have been waiting for the game for years and it was absolutely worth the wait T-T 

It made me feel so validated, THANK YOU!!!




I remember seeing this at like 11 pm at night and just scream with excitement and happiness like HOLY SHIT !?

I remember when i played the first game and just immediately falling in love with it, me being asian , the first born daughter and being a gay mess. I related to a lot of the things on the game and characters, specially Noelle.

Now playing the sequel it made me realize how amazing, thought out , relatble and just an absouloute banger of a game this is.

Loved that on the sequel we focused on Akarshas and Noelles relationship, i remember being a bit salty that there wasn't much of them in the first game BUT I GET IT IT WAS ABT MIN AND DIYA FIRST.

I'm just so happy right now, i finished the game and damn.

it's perfect. like deadass perfect.

like there's nothing more to say other than 

amazing job brianna. you have impressed me once again with your comedy and ability to make me relate to a character so hard.

anyways play the game you gay fucks it's so good.


*spoilers included

i cannot stress this enough when i say butterfly soup has been one of my favorite visual novels ever but the sequel has officially taken first place. to think i was a freshman when i first discovered BS and now i've graduated and i'm starting college in a few months.. and the characters & their stories still tug at my heart strings just as much as before. especially noelle and diya, i related HEAVY to being out of touch with your culture as an asian american, the pressure of living up to your parents' standards, & the difficulty of forming a happy, healthy relationship with an immigrant mother. the people i've been around growing up always seemed to have happy, functioning families and this visual novel was like a pat on the back and a kiss on the cheek while saying, "you're not alone. you've got this." 

PLUSSS akarsha and noelle !!! akarsha and noelle !!! the gays win! we win! i was fr throwing a fit towards the end untilll i saw the post credit scene. ToT screamed into my pillow like an idiot lol

so thank you so, so much, brianna <3 you've made yet another queer asian fall victim to this beautiful piece of art.


I'm around 4 years younger than all of the characters but I grew up around Oakland and I truly just have never experienced representation like this. So many things that I felt like were cringe when I was growing up became beautiful while playing this game.

Watching how to become a ninja together, multi-cultural events, going to clubs, doing sports, doing class presentations/projects together felt like a pain, cringe, a chore, and mundane growing up. But after playing this game, I really feel like it was just my outlook on life that felt like that. I wish that I thought highschool was fun or enjoyed it more, but it's not something I regret--I think what I'm trying to say is this game really makes me want to see the best in things and enjoy life.

The small things. Watching videos together. Going through phases together. Liking anime. Playing games. Being stupid. 

I really like the tackled topics. People will always be accidentally insensitive to things. Parents don't know anything and are just trying their best. Complex feelings towards parents. People change. You can always learn more whenever you want. 

I especially related to frenchman's "I can control my actions, so even if I like someone, I don't want to do anything about it, because I want a "respectable" future." and I love Diya's "you choose what's important to you and your future and you can't let anyone control it."

I just love the message. I do. I love the all characters and the message and the humor.

I love all of your works and Butterfly Soup is just so completely inspiring to me. YOUR HEAD!! YOUR MIND!! THE ENDING WAS SO SATISFYING!! THE GAME PLAYED SO WELL! MUSIC WAS IMMACULATE!!! I LOVE AKARSHA!!!


Fundamentally a game about going "haha, I do that" and then crying about it for a while. I lost several hours of sleep to thinking about it.


are there any other mac users here who can't open the game? :')

Deleted post

Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you two can't open the game! Just checking, do you have your security settings set to allow apps from the app store and identified developers? 

Deleted post

doesn't work, sadly :( 


ive always been kinda picky and just not a really big fan of visual novels, but this is one of the few times where i was actually sad to see something come to an end, its always nice to see romance novels who actually go more in depth about subjects in life not always related to love itself, instead of pure fluff (although it is appreciated at most points lol), being able to indulge into a world of the problems of LGBTQ representation, toxic parents, homophobia, religion, family and culture. all through the eyes of just a group of teenagers who are already struggling with themselves. it just hits home in a way that ive never really felt before.
the nice and pretty UI, alarmingly fitting music, different dynamics that differ from what you'd expect from a regular VN, while keeping a sense of humor and personality that could be distinguished from a mile away, is really wonderful to see.
hopefully more shenanigans can be expected out of these four, thank you Brianna for your work.

this was such a good sequel to the first game !! it was so lovely to see these characters again and spend some time in their world. the humour is top notch and the topics we delved into are so important and interesting. thank you so much for giving us more !! <3 x


Thank you for making this game!! I related so much with it as someone who's lived and grew up in California for most of their life. 



I felt really nostalgic playing this game, and it always brings out a side of me that's covered up by the toils of adulthood, careers, and jobs... I played the first game when I was in highschool, and I loved how natural it felt. I'm also Taiwanese, and I related so much with Noelle, with the Saturday school and her trip. I also faced the same situation when I went to Taiwan. I also like girls!!! I'm so happy that Butterfly Soup exists. It's a very comforting game and it makes me miss my school days a little more. ppkm for the win


I've been waiting years  for this! 



Just finished playing, Noelle's part tore my heart out, i kept relating HELP. but this is such a good game. i was so sad when it ended ;')

YESSSSS!!!!! Finally~




HOLY SHITTTT I am so hyped for this when I saw the announcement post for a sequel I squealed in pure joy, thank you sm I'm so happy this story exists!

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